Tuesday 29 June 2010

i've lost all imagination :(
damn it feels good to be a gangster.

The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.” - Willie Nelson

Monday 28 June 2010

just had my last exam
it went better then i expected to be honest
i thought I'd do really shit
which put me in a bad mood last night
and i took it out on people i care about =/
im sorry.

Sunday 27 June 2010

i love playing the guitar :)
its so therapeutic and soothing

whether its metal or acoustic
everything seems to go away while im playing...

i hate it when your in moods with me :(
my patience is wearing thin....
i have my last exam on monday :D
i just cant wait until its all over
then i can truly relax and not have to worry about shitty school ever again :D

i saw amy get on the "fire limo" (a fire truck limo) before her prom
she looked absolutely beautiful
i mean she always looks beautiful
but that night was just beyond beautiful♥

im generally just happy all the time thanks to her :)

ive been loosing weight :)
and so many are starting to notice
which has really raised my self esteem :D

my band should be recording soon
so hopefully we can get more gigs and so our fans can actually hear our stuff without having to see us live :P

well thats about all thats been going and is going on atm in my life :)
not bad ;)

Friday 25 June 2010

i love how close me and amy are :)

we can talk about ANYTHING.

Thursday 24 June 2010

just had the most loveliest time with my beautiful amy :) ♥

we laughed, we cried, but most of all just cherished each others company :3

me and her now have full-proof plans for when we die ;D fun times :P

but yeah its been a great day :D

also, on the way to hers, we saw a child run up to a pigeon and scream

it was adorable :P
humans are
thats the cycle of
so live it while
because theres no time to
went to sleep HAPPY

woke up HAPPY


Wednesday 23 June 2010


and when sport is involved its called tribalism...

in the case of war i would be more apathetic.

I don't hate women - they just sometimes make me mad. - Eminem

Tuesday 22 June 2010

It's all calypso.
But it's not easy to know.
You walk around with your shoulders down frowning,
But it's not easy to know.
It's just a tango.
But it's not easy, you know.
I walk around with my horns out now,
But it's not easy to know.

this song explains my mood...
i often wonder if you ever wish you had a smarter, better looking, more healthy, more attractive guy who can handle a relationship, isn't so emotional and doesn't excuse his actions with his own insecurities... =/

i just want you to be happy :( <3

im sorry.
but in all honesty,
i wouldn't be interested in most the thing i am now,
if it weren't for Amy :) ♥

im wierd....

im fascinated by serial killers, killing sprees and suicide.

yes, they're all morbid things to be interested in,

but what intrigues me the most about them, is what goes through each persons mind,

whether its Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of the columbine massacre,
Ted Bundy who killed up to an estimated 35 woman in the USA
or Kurt Cobain, one of my idols who tragically ended his own life after years of depression, drug addiction and an inability to cope with fame.

whatever it may be,

something as small as a suicide or as big as a killing spree,

the psychology behind it just captivates me.

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is more of an insight to the person i am. :)

Monday 21 June 2010

i miss him,
but things wont be the same
it hurts,
but at the end of the day
people change.

im still holding on to that shred of hope
which is something i do to much...
at least he actually tried today :)
"Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell

i love that quote :)

Sunday 20 June 2010

"an eye for an eye, makes the world blind." - Gandhi.
i'm worried about you....
i really do have some of the best freinds ever! =)
whenever im in shit they'll all be there to help me out
because there real FRIENDS

Friday 18 June 2010

i'm in a relationship

we both care about each other.... ALOT

and i trust her not to purposely hurt me..

like so many girls in the past have..

relationships never usually last so make the most of it

and if it does end

it will hurt..

but it will be worth it

because i can say i loved her in all aspects of the word. ♥
Fucking scary ass nightmare!

I dreamed i was in my house with my family when a bunch of crazy gangster psychopaths came into my house and started pillaging, raping and killing (it was seriously quite graphic!) then they killed each member of my family.
For some reason i had survived as you do in nightmares and dreams and i realized i had to kill them for killing my family, so i stocked up on guns and knives (from somewhere...) and went in and shot them all except for the boss who was counting money in his office (my room!!!).
So we had an epic battle but in the end he shot me in the chest and slit my throat and at that exact same moment in time i woke and let a wierd sort of yell.... (thank god no one was in the house =P)

i hope my family are ok..
i woke up to an empty house.

Thursday 17 June 2010

*implant face into wall*
i want dreadlocks....

i just don't know if i can be arsed to look after them :P

stronger than all!

i was born again..

with snakes eyes!


If I was brave enough to fall
I'd find the answers
But now my back's against the wall
Big world and I am feeling small

i love that song =D
i life
i ♥ my girlfriend
i ♥ my friends
i ♥ my family

even when life seems shit...

with all those things in my life
i have it all.


i havent been online in a while but yeah...
hows it hanging?


Sunday 13 June 2010

hangover cure.

wake up..
2 pint of water
more beer (any amount will do)
3 strong coffee's
1 large fry up
more coffee
plenty of fresh air
then to finish it all off...
a glass of water and a paracetamol.
spent yesterday with amy for our 6 month anniversary =)

it was really nice to just cotch in the sun with her

happy 6 month, i love you♥

Thursday 10 June 2010

im just fat and ugly and i hate myself!!!!
fuck it....
english today went pretty well =D

i got to rant about why i don't like celebrities ;)

lets hope maths goes just as well tomorrow!

Wednesday 9 June 2010

big brother... ¬¬

fucking big brother is back on for 3 whole torturous months... ¬¬

luckily, I'm be in france half-way through the series... =D

lets just hope they let another scummy racist piece of shit like jade goody in the house and it gets canceled... (crosses fingers) ;)

rest in peace
rain, rain, go away, and don't bother coming back any other day!
i'm with you, not them, i choose to be with you, every minute i'm with you is because i've chosen to be with you and i love you every second. ♥

im sorry for doubting you. i love you too.
today was shit!
history exams always make me feel so stupid
everyone else seems to be able to do them and write loads
and the questions are always on stupid things i don't know about
lets hope maths, english and biology go alright...
there my only chance now.
i drink tea and take 2 paracetamol tablets with it to chill out